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Time of the Doves

Hey Everyone!

I hope you all could unwind and relax during the reading break. As we return to our classes, Time of the Doves by Merce Rodoreda stood out as a thought-provoking novel. When I first started reading this novel, I was a bit confused. The sentences seemed a bit incoherent, sporadic, and sometimes repetitive... Maybe it is due to the translation? Anyway, looking past that, I was pleasantly surprised that I ended up enjoying the novel. I really enjoyed the descriptive language and powerful imagery. It allowed me to reflect and think about it after reading. I also liked the main character, Natalia, as I felt a deep connection to her and felt very empathetic towards her. On the other hand, I very much disliked Quimet as he was a cheating, toxic, and jealous man. 

Natalia is a young woman living through the war. Through her perspective, the novel portrays the everyday struggles of ordinary people who find themselves in unforeseeable circumstances, showing how fragile the human spirit can be. This novel explores the themes of survival, identity, hope, love, and relationships. Natalia is caught up marrying an awful man named Quimet and has children with him, but before, she was this naive, innocent girl who just wanted a more suitable life. Natalia faces many difficult decisions due to the war; still, despite that, she holds moments of joy and love, which brings comfort in her connection with others. This novel captured the essence of the human experience against chaos.

I want to highlight a few quotes from the novel that left a lasting mark on me.

"Pere had flamed up like a match when you blow on it." I really liked this simile and the powerful meaning behind it. The comparison of Pere's emotional reaction to a match being fueled really shows the intensity and depth of his feelings.

"A little door has opened that was hiding a nest of scorpions and the scorpions had come out and mixed with the pain and made it sting even more..." This quote, again, was deeply impactful to me. It shows hidden emotional turmoil and how confronting it can worsen one's suffering. I can relate to moments of facing buried pain, which stung deeply like a scorpion bite. 

"and when he started kissing me I saw Our Lord up above in his house inside a puffed-up cloud... he grabbed the sides of the cloud and shut himself up in it like it was a cupboard." This quote has intense imagery and symbolism. Natalia finds herself in a surreal state during a romantic encounter, which leaves her conflicted about intimacy and spirituality. I loved the dream-like quality and the relation of human desires with spiritual imagery. 

Question: What are some moments in the novel that stood out to you that contributed to Natalia's character development?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "when he started kissing me I saw Our Lord up above in his house inside a puffed-up cloud"

    This comes from very early on (page 23) and isn't about any old romantic encounter, but Natalia's first kiss with Quimet. She says "I remember it and I'll always remember it." I'm not sure if there's any feeling of being "conflicted" at the time for Natalia... though there may be later. You (and other readers) may have "very much disliked Quimet" but a moment such as this one surely shows something of what attracted her to him.

    I wonder, however, what you thought of the second half of the novel, which you don't mention. A lot happens *after* Natalia and Quimet have their children!

  3. Hi! As you pointed out, I believe Natalia's relationship with Quimet had the most profound influence on Natalia's character development. Despicable nature of Quimet and loss of her children truly devastated Natalia but also emphasized the sense of perseverance.

    Ren Koyama


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